Dungeon boss game princess
Dungeon boss game princess

dungeon boss game princess

Enter the next cell on the right and step through the hole in the wall on the left to find Pale Pine Resin 2x. A corpse inside has a Large Titanite Shard 1x. Turn around and head down the hallway to find a cell on the right with several hollows. Head left and then take your first right across the bridge and go right down the hallway to take out the jailer at the end. Head up the stairs and proceed to take out the jailer in the doorway. There is a locked cell here containing Prisoner Chief's Ashes, that can be opened with Jailer's Key Ring (Obtained through Profaned Capital following the quest to reach Siegward). Head back in the direction from where you came and make a right into a room with some caged hollow clusters and a jailer. The last cell on the left contains a Corpse-grub (weak to fire) that drops Great Magic Shield when killed. On a corpse in here you can find the Old Sorcerer Set. Head down this hallway to take out several bursting hollows in a cell. Drop down here to the next level to find a hollow and Large Soul of a Nameless Soldier 1x. Find Large Titanite Shard 1x at the end of the path, and a locked door you can open once you find the Jailbreaker's Key (which will lead you to a drop down where you can loot the Bellowing Dragoncrest Ring). Be careful as there is a hollow hiding in the cell on the right who can push you down carefully fight him and continue on to defeat a jailer on the left and more hollows in a cell on the right. These are difficult enemies that can reduce your health bar and raise your equip burden temporarily. Head through the doorway to encounter a jailer. Loot a corpse on the left for a Fading Soul 1x. The other cells are either locked or inhabited by a hollow. The next cell on your left can be opened to find a Large Titanite Shard 1x. Head straight and in the cell to your left, find a Rusted Coin 1x. Continue down the hallway where he spawned and take the stairs down to reach the Irithyll Dungeon Bonfire. In a doorway on your left you Alva, Seeker of the Spurned will invade wielding a curved sword and crossbow. Exit this room and follow the stairs outside along the cliff. Back up the stairs you came down is a way to drop down to the right to find a Rusted Gold Coin 1x, but be mindful of fall damage that will result from the drop. Once you have dispatched these enemies, head to the right to find 2 hags behind a pillar and a corpse with Large Titanite Shard 1x. Descend the steps from the bonfire to encounter two hags and a dancer hiding around the corner to the left. Head inside the archway and down to the Bonfire.

dungeon boss game princess

Instead of heading under the overpass, traverse until you reach the deluged cobblestone shore and an ancient building. You reach this area from Irithyll of the Boreal Valley by progressing from the Yorshka church, down the steps on the left, and through the large body of water. Here for Lore and Speculation on this location.

Dungeon boss game princess